Tammy Biton - Transformational Coach & Awakener

About Tammy Biton - Transformational Coach & Awakener

Often we get stuck in our old patterns of behaviour, old beliefs and even old values and identities that change feels impossible. But you can change!

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. ”

Tammy Biton - Transformational Coach & Awakener Description

Tammy Biton is a Modern Psychology Practitioner. Utilising her skills as a Master Hypnotist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Master NLP Practitioner, Life Coach, Weight Loss Consultant and Personal Trainer to help you finally overcome that barrier!

Tammy has been in the Health and Wellbeing industry for over 6 years, helping women to lose weight, overcome health issues, quit smoking and overcome depression and anxiety.

If you'd like to find out more, contact Tammy on 0425209677.



There has been a theme with a lot of my clients lately, questioning who they are. And I LOVE when I can help people to answer this for themselves.
So often people will answer with, "I am a Mother, Daughter, Wife, Friend, (their profession)" etc
But when you answer in that way, your identity and everything you believe yourself to be, are all dependent on something else.
... By not knowing the answer to the question, 'Who am I?', you keep on creating new identities of yourself, consequently going farther away from your true Self.
If you can observe your thoughts, you must be more than those thoughts. If I take away your titles and labels and you are still you, you must more than those things too. If you can observe your physical self, you must be more than just your body.
At the core of your "being-ness", who are you?
If you'd like help exploring this and re-discovering YOU! Send me a message or book in a free discovery session and let's have a chat.
Ph: 0425 209 677 or book a 25 minute consult at: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule .php…
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Happy Monday! This week, I'd like to set you a challenge. Each and every day, aim to bring someone else a little happiness.
It may be by simply sharing a smile, paying for someone else's coffee, spending a few extra moments being present with your kids, complimenting someone or any of a zillion ways to bring a little happiness to someone else.
Have a wonderful week! xx


Have a beautiful weekend! What plans do you have to do something you love?


How can you add a little more utter nonsense in your day today?


In last nights meditation class, we set the foundation with learning to breath (and the power of different breaths for different outcomes).
It's amazing what happens when you "Hijack" your nervous system and take control, isn't it?
What reminders do you have to JUST BREATH?


I have just a couple of spots left for the meditation classes!
Tuesdays - 8pm - Starts tomorrow and runs for 10 weeks Wilton Community Centre $150 for the Term
... What will we be covering?
Week 1: The Power of the Breath
Week 2: Progressive Relaxation
Week 3: Sensuality – Mindful Senses
Week 4: Creating “Coherence” – The Power of Emotions
Week 5: Creating a Journey – Being Your Own Guide
Week 6: The Power of Visualisation – Meet your “Little People”
Week 7: Communicating with your “Symptoms”
Week 8: Chakras – Science of the Endocrine System or Spiritual Centres?
Week 9: Ah, Self Hypnosis! Putting it all together
Week 10: Presents or Presence? Gift yourself to others.
Book online at: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/catalog. php… or phone me on 0425 209 677
Bookings close 5pm TODAY!
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I know when I'm out of alignment or ungrounded. I easily get thrown around by the winds of life's "drama" and feel "knocked down" or "shaken up".
When I am grounded, like a tree - I can sway with the breeze but remain solid, grounded, aligned within. :)


"It is only you who must make the effort. The master only points the way." - Buddha


The kids and I had a great time making this raw desert today (and eating some) the rest we have stored in cut up pieces in the freezer for when the sweet tooth hits.
What is your go to treat? Can you make it healthier?
https://www.fmtv.com/…/celebrate-your-s weet-tooth-choc-vegg…


Happy Sunday!


We had Chef Cynthia at the Tyler Tolman event this morning and the first thing she said had nothing to do with nutrition!! Say What???
In fact, the first thing she discussed was around the quality of your thoughts and how that influences the acid or alkaline state of your body. And in her words, no amount of nutrition will heal the state created by poor thoughts.
Hmmm... shall I say it again in case I haven't enough? The mind and body are connected and therefore affect eac...h other.
But admittedly, I was here to learn more about the body's influence on the mind!! And it does have influence.
But perhaps all disease doesn't begin in the gut? But in fact in the mind? 🤔
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Only you can be you. You're unique and wonderous, celebrate that!


I'm in Melbourne for the next few days learning more about the body side of Health with Tyler Tolman.
I got out of bed this morning, got my runners on and took off exploring this part of Melbourne. Gorgeous isn't it?
I do see beauty everywhere, people, places, things. Maybe its because Appreciation of beauty is my top character strength?? Or maybe it's just because I do?
... Have you ever done a Character strengths survey? I like the free VIA test. If you haven't done it yet, take some time and share your top strengths below
https://www.viacharacter.org/www/characte r-strengths-survey
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Sometimes in life we operate with our values misaligned and it can cause a great deal of suffering! We let go of exercise and family time for work or we never seem to find time for ourselves.
We spend so much time acquiring stuff that will ultimately end up at the tip when its worn out or broken (or maybe just because when don't like it anymore).
Take a moment to consider everything in your life is placed on a sinking ship... you need to shed some of it to lighten the load.
... What do you let go of first?
And then?
And then?
What's left last?
The last remaining things (are hopefully more likely people than things), but you get the idea.
The things at the top of your list are what's most important. Make sure you honour time for those BEFORE the ship sinks.
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More about Tammy Biton - Transformational Coach & Awakener

Tammy Biton - Transformational Coach & Awakener is located at Chisolm St, Wilton, New South Wales, Australia 2571