The Boobala- Natasha Lunn Ibclc

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About The Boobala- Natasha Lunn Ibclc

An IBCLC Natasha is passionate about breastfeeding in all its forms, chestfeeding, breastmilk & mixed bottle feeding.

The Boobala- Natasha Lunn Ibclc Description

A heartfelt community for mothers and mothers-to-be to gather support, information and strategies on pregnancy, breastfeeding and motherhood.

Share info, ask questions and tell us about your joys and jubiliations and trials and tribulations of motherhood. This is a non-judgemental, open-minded community with one mission - to serve and support each other in the journey of motherhood -whatever form it takes!

At the end of the day we all love and care for our babies, no matter what parenting decisions we make. Everyone has and is entitled to their opinion, but mummy-bashing, name calling and insulting or inflammatory posts will be removed and posters will be banned.



Catch that milk! What do you think of these beauties? Pop them in the bra and they collect any leaking milk because each n every drop counts. We don't want to be in tears over wasted milk do we mumma's! ­¤śå #theboobala #ibclc #breastfeeding


**Trigger Warning** Now, this is a bit out there for some but IŌĆÖve gotta give it a voice! ­¤ÄÖ­¤ÄÖ­¤ÄÖ Not breastfeeding increases a babyŌĆÖs risk of SIDS by 50%. It turns out that Sudden Unexplained Infant Death (SUID) is caused by poverty and racism MORE than bed sharing. Surprised? Here's the science to back it up!ŌĆ”/worldwide -study-on-suddeŌĆ”/amp/
Babies are meant to sleep in the same room as their parents. Well actually on the same sleep surface as their... mother (provided said surface and any occupants are not intoxicated, smokers, heavily medicated, or deliriously tired) for at least the first year. Here are some ways to reduce infant death as well as working holistically to improve access to care and support especially in areas suffering ­¤īŹ poverty & racism.
#bedsharing #SIDS #SUID #IBCLC #theboobala
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Maternity fashion through time.. oH My! ­¤śå­¤śÄ­¤æŚŌĆ”/peŌĆ”/g28423/mat ernity-style-evolution/
#pregnancy #birth #breastfeeding #theboobala #ibclc


Look at this gorgeous piece of art / tattoo. ­¤Æś­¤śŹ DonŌĆÖt worry babes, the ink wonŌĆÖt transfer to your milk, phew!­¤ż▒­¤ÅŠ #theboobala #ibclc #breastfeeding


Happy Fathers Day! ... Thanks again. ­¤śé Have a good one, it wouldn't be the same without you! #ibclc #partners #happyfathersday #theboobala


My breast milk brings the memories to our family. Well it does! haha. #theboobala #breastfeeding #goodtimes


What is it about The Boobala that does it for you? What would you like to see on THiS vERy PaGe?
I wanna know so that I can speak to the things that make your heart go BOOM! ­¤Æś­¤Æź #theboobala #breastfeeding #theboobala


When it comes to the art and skill of feeding our children, what would you like to know? Tash ­¤Æś #theboobala #calltheibclc #asktash #breastfeeding


20 signs your baby is well attached - to your BOOB! ­¤ż▒ 1. Your baby has her chin pressed into your breast but her nose is clear.
2. Her lips are flanged out rather than being sucked inwards.
... 3. Her tongue is lying over her bottom gum. This can be hard to see but youŌĆÖll feel nipple pain if her tongue isn't cushioning her bottom gums.
4. Some of your areola as well as your nipple is in your babyŌĆÖs mouth.
5. YouŌĆÖre not feeling any pain other than a sensation of nipple ŌĆ£stretchingŌĆØ. This should settle a minute or two into her feed.
6. YouŌĆÖll see your babyŌĆÖs jaw moving as she sucks. This can start at the chin and extend right along her jaw up to her ears.
7. If she is sucking effectively, her ears may be wiggling in synchrony with her jaw.
8. Her cheeks aren't sucked in or hollow looking. This means she has created a good seal around your nipple.
9. SheŌĆÖs not sliding off your nipple but stays firmly attached.
10. She has little pauses and rests between periods of active and strong sucking.
11. You feel that she is sucking correctly by a gentle pulling sensation and can feel this right through your breast.
12. You may see your breast moving as she sucks.
13. You see her sucking and then swallowing ŌĆō a typical pattern is a few sucks and then a swallow, a few sucks and then another swallow.
14. You may feel a ŌĆ£let downŌĆØ or milk ejection response. This is like a tingling or painful sensation in the breast or your nipples. You will notice milk dripping or flowing from your other nipple and your babyŌĆÖs suck may change, becoming stronger with a distinct suck/swallow pattern.
15. Your baby is happy and content to suck. SheŌĆÖs not fussing, pulling away or crying. She seems satisfied and happy.
16. Her sucking may be noisy or just quiet. If sheŌĆÖs really hungry and her stomach empty, you may hear the milk flowing down into her stomach.
17. You see some milk pooling around the corners of her mouth.
18. She pulls off when she is full and is calm and perhaps even sleepy.
19. When she starts sucking her fingers are stretched out and her hands open. These splayed fingers are a sign of the concentration and effort sheŌĆÖs putting into sucking. Towards the end of the feed as she feels fuller youŌĆÖll see her hands relax and her fingers resume their natural curved position.
20. Your breasts will feel lighter after your baby has fed. If she has been attached and sucking correctly your breasts will feel different at the end of the feed.ŌĆ”/e54fd87dec b295aadbf4757b065da8ŌĆ”
#theboobala #kidspot #breastfeedingtips
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Some colourful breastfeeding inspiration for your day. You are FierCE AND you've 'GOT THIS'! ­¤ż® #theboobala #ibclc #fierceforbreastfeeding


Breastfeeding is a learning and skilling up can make this parenting gig so much easier. What has made your breastfeeding journey run more smoothly? I've love to know! ­¤Æś #theboobala #ibclc #breastfeeding


This wonŌĆÖt be your average breastfeeding class. We will not only focus on the how-to and how-much but also get clear on the motivation and mindset needed for total breastfeeding success.
So what is coveted on the day?
... ­¤Æś Why breastfeed?: Own your why!
­¤Æś Breastfeeding 101: How it works
­¤Æś Team Boobie: Your Suppprt Team & Resources
­¤ÆśFAQŌĆÖs and Troubleshooting
With your investment of $350 per couple you will get:
­¤ż▒­¤Å╗Boobalicious Breastfeeding Class
­¤ż▒­¤Å╗Take home resources and goodie bag
­¤ż▒­¤Å╗45minute Lactation Consultation
­¤ż▒­¤Å╗Morning tea on the day.
To book in follow link below:
­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­ ¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć =417412&embed=1 ­¤æå­¤æå­¤æå­¤æå­¤æå­¤æå­¤æå­¤æå­¤æå­¤æå­ ¤æå­¤æå­¤æå­¤æå­¤æå­¤æå­¤æå
If you want more info call me or message The Boobala Page.
N.B Some private health funds may offer rebates for Breastfeeding Education Classes under their maternity cover
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Heat it up! ­¤öź­¤Ź¬ Here's the breast darn 'cookee' recipe out there for you chicky babes. While I love a good cookie every now n then, it doesn't quite cut it for building milk supply like this one.
This is my kind of recipe... and it works! ­¤ż▒
#lactation #breast #breastfeeding #buildingsupply #theboobala


I'm coming baby!!!! It's those breastfeeding FEELS ­¤Æś #theboobala #breastfeeding #whenindoubtboobout


The Boobala- Natasha Lunn IBCLC. It's more than a fancy name, with a whole heap of education, $$, and the hardest exam I have sat to earn it.
It takes a village to raise a child. Centuries and decades ago that village gave mothers the collective wisdom of generations of breastfeeding experience to help them on their journey, these days a lot of mumŌĆÖs donŌĆÖt have that.
I feel so privileged to help mums breastfeed and yes, I do give a damn about your success.... ­¤Æś Tash
#theboobala #fierceforbreastfeeding #ibclc #whenindoubtboobout
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I was talking to our wedding photographer yesterday and she mentioned that she would have to take ten minutes out of our shoot to pump as she would be away from her baby.
Of course I am totally ok with that!! Take as much time as you like! Bring him along, whatever works to keep her breastfeeding journey on the road!
... Then we got talking about hands free, discrete pumping while at work.
How awesome is this breast pump!? I think every employer should gift one to a return to work Mumma!
Next time around I am so getting one these.
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Being empowered about your pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding choices is important not only from a health perspective but it is setting you up for success in the following months and years. ­¤Æś There is nothing more powerful than an empowered woman. #theboobala #ibclc #informedisbest #supportisbest #boobalicious


Let's talk about storing breastmilk. What would you like to know?
Usually Breastmilk (BM) is pumped or hand expressed into sealed bottles or well sealed containers and then served a-la fresh, that is it keeps for up to 3 days in your fridge. When it's cold from the fridge you can warm the beauty up by sitting the bottle in a very warm bowl of water, but don't scald it!
Do a little tester by using the old trick of putting a drop of milk on the inside of your wrist, you'll know... it's just right when it's warm. We want to keep the nutrition of your fabulous liquid gold intact so that's why we avoid boiling it.
#theboobala #storingmilk #asktash #ibclc
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Since starting The Boobala earlier this year I have been inundated with requests for an antenatal breastfeeding class.
Well my lovelies it is finally here!!
... Starting next month I will be running breastfeeding classes for soon-to-be and new parents.
This wonŌĆÖt be your average breastfeeding class. We will not only focus on the how-to and how-much but also get clear on the motivation and mindset needed for total breastfeeding success.
So what is coveted on the day?
­¤Æś Why breastfeed?: Own your why!
­¤Æś Breastfeeding 101: How it works
­¤Æś Team Boobie: Your Suppprt Team & Resources
­¤ÆśFAQŌĆÖs and Troubleshooting
With your investment of $350 per couple you will get:
­¤ż▒­¤Å╗Boobalicious Breastfeeding Class
­¤ż▒­¤Å╗Take home resources and goodie bag
­¤ż▒­¤Å╗45minute Lactation Consultation
­¤ż▒­¤Å╗Morning tea on the day.
To book in follow link below:
­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­ ¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć =417412&embed=1 ­¤æå­¤æå­¤æå­¤æå­¤æå­¤æå­¤æå­¤æå­¤æå­¤æå­ ¤æå­¤æå­¤æå­¤æå­¤æå­¤æå­¤æå
If you want more info call me or message The Boobala Page.
N.B Some private health funds may offer rebates for Breastfeeding Education Classes under their maternity cover.
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Thankyou for all of your support Tash. The after hours call and messaging, the reassurance and non judgemental approach. I would be a crying mess without you ’┐Į

More about The Boobala- Natasha Lunn Ibclc

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -