The Co-Group Limited

About The Co-Group Limited

Type: Entity Name
ABN: 53 623 832 039
Entity Type: Australian Public Company
Last update: 18 May 2022

Entity Name:
THE CO-GROUP LIMITED (16 Jan 2018 - Now)

ABN Status:
Active (16 Jan 2018 - Now)

Goods & Services Tax (GST):
Registered (01 Sep 2018 - Now)

Main business location:
NSW 2148 (18 May 2022 - Now)
NSW 2022 (18 Jun 2021 - 18 May 2022)
NSW 2153 (17 Sep 2020 - 18 Jun 2021)
NSW 2022 (16 Jan 2018 - 17 Sep 2020)

ASIC registration - ACN or ARBN or ARSN or ARFN:
623 832 039

More about The Co-Group Limited

The Co-Group Limited is located at 2148 NSW, Australia