The Coffs Coast Advocate

About The Coffs Coast Advocate

The official Coffs Coast Advocate page. Visit: www. au Email: au Phone: 02 6650 2900

The Coffs Coast Advocate Description


The Coffs Coast Advocate encourages users to share, debate, and discuss points of views on this page. We believe that everyone has the right to express themselves but that they should comply with all laws and respect other users. Please avoid excessive anger, criticism, swearing and name calling.

This site is not constantly monitored and you are responsible for any material that you post. The Coffs Coast Advocate reserves the right to remove posts in its absolute discretion without notice. Posts (including comments, photos, and links) which are or may be illegal, vulgar, obscene, threatening, violent, sexist, racist, homophobic, defamatory, pornographic, paedophilic, and privacy and copyright violating are likely to be removed at any time.

Any person who believes that something unlawful or otherwise in breach of our requirements has been posted should advise The Coffs Coast Advocate by calling (02) 6652 2522, emailing au or by sending The Coffs Coast Advocate Facebook page a private message.

The Coffs Coast Advocate reserves the right to remove advertisements and promotional posts which do not relate to or comply with our policy. Please do not post chain or junk messages, as these too will be deleted. We reserve the right to ban users who violate this policy and defy common laws and customs.

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