The Daily Advertiser

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Residents, economic-development agencies and governments continue calling for more metropolitan residents to the Riverina to reduce the increasing pressure on major cities’ infrastructures.


Education Week’s annual activity is back in full swing, with public schools across Wagga competing in the interschool chess competition.


Insta Feed: Caffeine lovers have 10 minutes to sip the 'Coffee in a Cone' before the chocolate melts. FULL STORY:


The Premier said it was a "stupid question" in response to calls for her to investigate the Wagga Trade Centre project.


These 'big tough bikies' are doing their bit to tackle suicide rates in the community.


Not long after announcing he will stop treatment, golfer Jarrod Lyle has passed away.


Weekend plans sorted: the time to head to the snow has never been better.


Wagga’s top three killers did not stray far from the nation-wide results.


Take a look into the weird and wonderful collection of John Wigg Antiques.


The situation for farmers has become ‘diabolical’.


Mater Dei Primary School's acting principal Megan Masterson, said she is excited for what these new spaces would bring to the growing school.


Working with children and making a 'meaningful difference' was inspiring, Isaac said.


The 42-year-old was trapped after the trucks collided on the Newell Highway.


The need for infrastructure has become more urgent as student numbers increase


Do you need a better excuse than this to tuck in?


National assessment authority, ACARA CEO Robert Randall said NAPLAN results will be released in the coming days


University student and casual waitress at Trail Street Cafe, Demi Lawler, knows all too well about stretching the budget each week.


The inheritance of Frederick Marriott Wise made his widow one of the region's wealthiest women. She had to register his death, first.

More about The Daily Advertiser

The Daily Advertiser is located at Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia 2650
02 6938 3300
Monday: 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:30 - 17:00
Friday: 08:30 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -