The Drawing Room

About The Drawing Room

A relaxed life drawing boudoir - draw performer /models at our legendary sessions, every FIRST AND THIRD Tuesday of the month, 6. 30-9. 00pm, wine music and models provided. Also Sunday POPUPS, from 1-3 twice a month in glorious venues in the local area. . .

The Drawing Room Description

its newey local and creative! drop in at 6. 30-9. 00 and draw performer models every tuesday in a hybrid performance space…. wine, armchairs, music . . . .
# #and beginners courses…. in venues around town
# #and stylish, professional hens nights-with our art models. . .
# #there are always the sunday drawing pop up drawing specials advertised on our fb page
# # we welcome courses for groups…. prof development, creatively designed classes for your group's needs? .