The Gentle Roller

About The Gentle Roller

The Gentle Roller is a break-through in the exhausting and repetitive process of hand rolling. It functions as a friendly assistant to the felt maker.

Our mission is to assist the fibre novice or artist to make better felt with less work.

The Gentle Roller Description

A collaboration between the scientific and creative halves of a partnership brought about the Gentle Roller. Joni Cornell, a talented felt artist, loves to felt but a few years back the process was becoming less satisfying particularly when she was struck with sciatica. Philip Coates, her technically minded partner took on the task of designing a rolling machine that didn't interfere with her skills as a fibre artist, but removed the tedium, pain and labour of rolling.

Years of designs, prototypes, challenges and production have resulted in a machine that we are proud to nickname 'the Felter's Friend'. Our roller is built to suit the creatively satisfying process of felt-making, as well as ensure the highest quality of output. It is built to look at home in the artist's studio, to work simply and safely and to encourage your creativity.

Our first production run is available exclusively through our Kickstarter campaign.

Help us introduce the Felter's Friend to the fibre artists who will love it by sharing the word, buying one for yourself or the artist in your life, or letting us know any feedback or thoughts.



Pre-felt pieces all sewn. Now to felt the seams and then full the jacket.


Sleeves & godet motifs and layout


Thanks Sandra for the terrific banner and the promotion at the forthcoming Canadian Felting Symposium ๐Ÿ˜


New works using The Gentle Roller. . "Iโ€™m very happy with my gentle roller and have started experimenting with different ideas, Iโ€™m learning a lot, now I donโ€™t have to expend so much effort rolling... My work combines designing and making jackets and waistcoats in a combination of crochet and felt, here are a few recent examples, these are all sold as I mostly make to order.I also make the buttons as you can never find anything to match..."


Showing some of the process involved...the pieces laid out are the fronts & back for the jacket. #wetfelting #wetfelted #choosewool #nunofelting #jonicornellmerinosilk #upcycling #thegentleroller


Felted slippers by Pauline Latham ... "Merino wool slippers, rolled in resist on the (Gentle) Roller, fitted on shoe mold, tumbled in rumbling drum. Noisy but effective."


We're sometimes surprised by what people can create using The Gentle Roller ... here is Robyn M's hat contribution ... I'd call it "Here's lookin' at you, babe!"


Latest works produced by Jillian using her Gentle Roller. Thanks for sharing Jillian.


Station Gallery - where trains and art collide (not literally). Our good friend Cheryl Cook held an exhibition recently at The Station Gallery, Yarragon, Victoria. She featured earlier works and more recent art created using The Gentle Roller. Visit Cheryl's page for more allery


Joni's latest mosaic scarf shows that The Gentle Roller handles different carrier fabrics, different thickness shapes and different wools and wool blends, all on a single piece ... and it doesn't move the shapes when rolling. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜


Sharon is our first Irish owner of a Gentle Roller and allowed us to share some photos and comments of her first felting piece with The Gentle Roller


Our advert in Fiber Art Now.


Interested in Fiber Art Now ... discount memberships available


Janine Richardson's textured shawl included felted inclusions and resists, and other complexities, which the GR handled beautifully. Bravo Janine for attempting such a wonderfully challenging piece. Rolling doesn't necessarily have to dampen or flatten texture - now does it? ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿคฃ


Thank you Telena for sharing your lovely work and letting us know that The Gentle Roller allowed you to get more work done than hand rolling it all! And we loved your message that it "allowed you to sometimes do oboe practice while it was rolling away". There's a new twist for our advertisement ... Joni reads books, Telena practices oboe ๐Ÿ˜


Thank you Telena for sharing your lovely work and letting us know that The Gentle Roller allowed you to get more work done than hand rolling it all! And we loved your message that it "allowed you to sometimes do oboe practice while it was rolling away". There's a new twist for our advertisement ... Joni reads books, Telena practices oboe ๐Ÿ˜


Welkom to our newest agents Meervilt! Covering Europe for The Gentle Roller from their base in the Netherlands. Meervilt! ... It's Dutch for more felt!


Extreme felting with IxCHel luxury fibres and The Gentle Roller. Read Joni's blog below.


Superfine merino, cashmere, suri, silk and tencel laid very finely on paj silk to create a lightweight casual t-shirt top. Watch out for Joni's blog and more pictures coming soon.


Iโ€™m the USA agent for The Gentle Roller but first and foremost Iโ€™m a felt maker, so this had to be a product that I could enthusiastically endorse to other felt makers. Iโ€™ve been trying a variety of projects and The Gentle Roller handles them all. I especially love the fulling drum! Ingenious! Live in the US and have questions? Feel free to contact me through my website Merino and Mulberry.


Iโ€™m the USA agent for The Gentle Roller but first and foremost Iโ€™m a felt maker, so this had to be a product that I could enthusiastically endorse to other felt makers. Iโ€™ve been trying a variety of projects and The Gentle Roller handles them all. I especially love the fulling drum! Ingenious! Live in the US and have questions? Feel free to contact me through my website Merino and Mulberry.

More about The Gentle Roller