The Naked Earth

Monday: 02:00 - 05:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 14:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 13:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 13:00
Friday: 08:00 - 12:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: 08:00 - 12:00

About The Naked Earth

Ultimately Summyr’s mission is to take you home into the ever present moment of NOW so that with joy and abundance you dissolve into its absolute perfectio

The Naked Earth Description

Summyr Exquisite Healing can be very relaxing, can also alleviate physical pain and emotional fear and guilt, also help people to become more fulfilled and personally empowered.



SADNESS: Everyone has experienced this emotion many times in our lives, and some maybe experiencing this now. When you can truly allow yourself to CRY and FEEL sorrow over the loss of a loved one, missed opportunity, broken heart or friendship that has ended, you cleanse your soul and allow your heart to heal. Crying and feeling vulnerable can be a sign of strength which demonstrates your connection to Self...To admit weakness can allow you to start knowing yourself, embrace ...your limitations. You don't need to get lost in your emotions, just give yourself time to feel them and let them move through your whole being, cleansing and purifying your heart, body and soul. When you feel Sad, Relax your body place your hand on your heart or belly. Ask yourself, where am I holding on to feelings of loss, grief and sadness? Have you frozen your tears and cut yourself off from your feelings, that you are so afraid to face a person or a situation? Do you allow sadness and loss overwhelm you? Sadness can open the door to your heart and help you access compassion for self and others... Summyr invites you to come sit in her space, with loving guidance will allow you to unfold what truly needs to be expressed,heard and felt. Book a Therapeutic session today with Summyr.
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Hedonist Archetype Hedonists live for pleasure and will pursue it with an almost spiritual zeal. This Archetype has an "appetite" for the pleasurable aspects of life, from good food and wine to sexuality and sensuality. As scientific research has shown, pleasure can improve our health and extend our lives and needs to be part of a balanced life. They savour good wine and drink and get particular enjoyment out of eating good food. Indulging the self is central to the psyche of... this archetype, whether treating oneself to a health spa or learning the nuances of lovemaking, savour a massage, a soak in a hot tub or nap by the fire. And when it comes to an appreciation of beauty, whether in the form of the human body or in design or art, they are the first to admit that it means the world to them. In a workaholic society that has sprung from a Puritanical one, it’s easy to see how the Hedonist’s commitment to pleasure can be seen as an act of rebelliousness. While not all Hedonists are indulgent, many are and famously so. Eve, who could not resist the apple, may have been the original. Dionysus, the Greek god of wine, was associated with as much destruction as pleasure in his ability to seduce upright people, women especially, into trance-like states of sensual pleasure-seeking. Charles Baudelaire and his circle smoked hashish and opium and drank absinthe in 19th century Paris to the point where it affected their health, as drug overdoses have afflicted actors, artists, writers, models and musicians for centuries. Successful musicians now prove their worth by demonstrating how many bottles of expensive Champagne they can consume at a nightclub. Strengths Hedonists are wonderful hosts and guests. They bring added pleasure to any pleasurable occasion by noticing and appreciating the details and savouring each element. . Inspires creative energy in the psyche to embrace the "good" things in life. It also challenges in a positive way the collective archetypal fear of being seduced and losing control in the physical world. Weaknesses Because they live for pleasure, they can be lazy and self-indulgent, may manifest as pursuing pleasure without regard for other people or one's own good health. They also can have problems with impulse control that result in substance abuse, obesity, and other addiction issues. Words Yet, who can deny the joy of stimulating all the senses so that they are fully alive? “I finally figured out that the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it.” -Rita Mae Brown
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Ocean roar




Time for reflection...Feeling Humble and loved. This was spoken to me from a wise women in my 20s.
No testing has overtaken you that is not common to everyone. Akuha (God) is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it. We will all face adversity in our lives. We will experience hardships good times and bad. Akuha will help you handle all that you’ve been given. Amen


Fresh Herbs straight from the garden..Time to cook..


BASIC GOODNESS-Imagine that you are sitting Naked on the Ground, with your Bare bottom touching the Earth. Since you are not wearing a scarf or hat, you are also exposed to Heaven above. You are a sandwich between Heaven and Earth: a naked man or women, sitting between. Earth is always earth. The earth will let anyone sit on it, and earth never gives way. It never lets you go- you don't drop off this earth. Likewise, sky is always sky: heaven is always above you. Whether it i...s snowing or raining or the sun shining, whether its day or night, the sky is always there. In that sense, we know that heaven and earth are trustworthy. Basic goodness is very similar-because its unconditional, or fundamental. Its there in us already, the same way heaven and earth are there already, Appreciate what we have, and our makeup as human beings. Our being is good, basic goodness is what we have, what we are provided with. Its natural like heaven and earth and we inherited from birth onwards. I Invite you to sit Naked on earth and BE between heaven and earth, experience in the stillness and silence, How wonderful to be in this world, awaken your heart and face who you truly are!Y
Chögyam Trungpa; Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the warrior
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Wonderful experience with client this ..light


Wonderful Women don't miss this opportunity


Love the colors and life of the season..


Consider The Naked Earth for your next treatment! 5 star treatment and service local to Newcastle. The Naked Earth treatments offers a drug-free, non-invasive and humanistic approach based on the body’s natural ability to heal itself. For more information


The Naked Earth- Holistic approach to All Human Beings I AM extremely lucky here in Newcastle to be able to work with clients who are Trans. I have a Holistic approach with all treatments offered Spirit, mind, body, social and environment. I myself work on being present so that I am able to Hold Space and make the experience comfortable, safe and welcoming for all trans and nonbinary clients to BE who they are at this present time.
Best massage I've ever had. As a transgender... woman I normally feel exposed and vulnerable on the table, but Summyr made me feel extremely comfortable, allowing me to relax and enjoy the experience. – E. S.
Summyr treats people at their most vulnerable: Undressed, alone, often in pain, working effectively with both compassion and competence, regardless of gender identity. Transitioning, both social and physical, can bring changes and challenges to your body, which may linger for years afterward if unaddressed. The stress of experiencing misgendering and transphobia, especially combined with racism or misogyny, also leave their marks. The good news is, professional therapeutic sessions with a trusted LMT can mitigate some of the effects of that stress, and repair, improve, or strengthen your relationship with your body. (I AM THAT I AM)
For transgender, genderqueer, nonbinary, and gender questioning individuals, I offer an amazing experience with Bodywork, Energy healing, Art therapy, Transpersonal Counselling and Meditation from 90 minute sessions till up to two hours for clients, this allows time to connect with you as a unique individual and build a trusting relationship. The power ratio between practitioner and client moves towards equality. Two human persons, through dialogue and honest encounter, seek exploration and clarification of troubling issues, needs, boundaries and through that meeting, healing is possible. I also provide sessions for transgender and gender creative children and their families as a safe private space for All.
Call Summyr when you are ready to experience something special and unique for YOU. M: 0402 226 216 W: E:
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What is Aphenphosmphobia - is the morbid and irrational fear of touches or being touched. People with this phobia absolutely despise any sort of physical contact. Furthermore, this does not only refer to those who hate being touched, but it also refers to people who fear touching others.
Physical touch also refers to many different actions. These include touches of affection (ex. hugs, kisses, etc.), touches while walking (when people bump into each other), or even just simpl...e hand touches, such as high fives.
Symptoms of Aphenphosmphobia will vary from one person to another depending on a variety of factors. Some people are just more susceptible to fear and their reactions than others. However, there is a list of general symptoms which include, but are not limited to, avoidance of social situations, extreme anxiety about being in public, suffering of relationships (any type- romantic, family, friendship, etc.), and more. Aphenphosmphobia could also lead a person to go into a full blown panic attack if they are touched. Panic attacks are loosely defined as states of extreme anxiety or terror. Panic attacks also have other symptoms which include a rapid heart beat, difficulty breathing, tingling or numbness in the hands or fingers, excessive sweating, chills, feeling a loss of control, and chest pain.
Causes of Aphenphosmphobia will also vary from one person to the next. Most often, phobias are caused by a trauma, which typically occurs during childhood. Physical or sexual child abuse are very common causes of Aphenphosmphobia. When a child is exposed to this type of environment, especially since they are at such an impressionable age, they begin to lack trust in others. They often associate any type of touch with pain, since they is what they were used to whilst growing up. Domestic abuse or violence could also lead to this phobia later in life. Some people could also be predisposed to anti-social personality disorders. These disorders cause distance and a lack of understanding about human emotions and physical interactions in the sufferer. Because of their disorder, many of these people often fear physical touches. However, it is also possible that some people just fear being touched for no obvious reason at all, or that the fear of touches stems from some other fear. Claustrophobia is a common reason why many people also fear being touched, because of the feeling of confinement. Treatments of Aphenphosmphobia The best treatment option for Aphenphosmphobia will depend upon the individual. A great starting place is therapy, since there are many different forms which people can try. Art therapy, for one, changes the way a person thinks about and reacts to being touched, making it easier for them.
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More about The Naked Earth

The Naked Earth is located at Drury st, Wallsend, New South Wales, Australia 2287
Monday: 02:00 - 05:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 14:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 13:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 13:00
Friday: 08:00 - 12:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: 08:00 - 12:00