The Nate Max Project

About The Nate Max Project

"A Gathering Of Momentum lifting the veil on our reality" dedicated to awakening humanity with truth, love , unity , sacred practices, health & mindfulness

The Nate Max Project Description

The Nate Max Project

Our aim is to bring your life altering information. Which will change your view on the news, life, health, the innate body systems, nutrition, spirituality, consciousness and literally awaken you from the 3d matrix which we live in.

We live in a Multiverse once you know the universal laws and the law of attraction, life becomes much more interesting. Lessons drop in, we learn re-code our DNA and we evolve.

We want to empower you and to rise up by bringing you knowledge which is truly is
"The Keys to Your Awakening"
through knowledge and information and education we can change this planet together.

So we can move forward into the next millennium with peace, togetherness oneness and love.

Live on a planet with free green energy, with no war or divide. Turn back the damage we have caused Mother Nature so far with new suppressed technologies. Raise the frequency of earth so our interdimensional brothers and sister can join us once again.

Humans need to get back to basics, the important things in life like, love, family, nature, heath, togetherness.

We have forgotten our most basic instincts and swapped them for I phones and technology. We have passed the tipping point in the euago cycle and now humanity is waking up. Now is a great time to inform yourself on topics like:

spirituality, meditation, naturopathy, iridology, nutrition, geo-politics, DNA, Assension, Ancient technology, the monetary system and the truth regarding earths history.

We hope you learn and better your life from our information.

Nate Max "In love with humanity"

More about The Nate Max Project

The Nate Max Project is located at oakley road North Bondi, Sydney, Australia 2026