The Remedy Barn

About The Remedy Barn

Natural Remedies to improve the mind, body and soul of ourselves and our loved ones. All whilst having a little fun and creating cherished memories.

The Remedy Barn Description

Welcome to the Remedy Barn. Join us for simple remedies to increase yours and your families health and wellness using natural remedies.



Women - Do you need some support for that time of month? Or that time in life?
Emotional Balance Regulating temperature Reducing symptoms of pain and discomfort
... I've got an oil for that!!!!
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There is not a day that my Mum spends with her grand babies that this is not quoted!
Courtesy of Cinderella, this has become our family mantra!
This is all I ask of my children and all that I ask of myself.
... After all....
Where there is kindness there is goodness and where there is goodness there is magic.
So simple really, but perhaps something we could all take a moment to remember.
Kim Host
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Check out these moves!!! :)


Oily win of a slightly different nature!
Today was my girls mid year dancing concert / competition. They are 5 and 3.
To say my anxiety peaked today, is an understatement.
... I have no expectations on my girls to perform well or obtain a certain stature. I want them to have fun, enjoy themselves and do their absolute best.
I think the anxiety stems from the fact that I may or may not do something that influences their success - probably silly, I know, but that feeling today was very raw and heightened, and perhaps even amplified by the morning coffee.
I was sweating, my heart was palpitating, my hands were shaking and I was stressed.
But at pivotal moments today this was eased. Yes I used the oils. Balance, frank and lavender were all rolled constantly.
Yes I had a glass of wine to ease the jitters. is my oily win.
My connections and networks through doTERRA and essential oils. At pivotal moments through the day, a doTERRA connection came to my rescue in ways I would never have expected, and calmed a very stressed and anxious, dance mum (not a dance mum really).
Never have I been so grateful for the community that we are - my immediate tribe "The Remedy Barn" the wider "Oil street team" and even the wider doTERRA community from members not even on this team.
A massive shout out to Erin Pedemont Natalie Rowe Stefania Lanzafame and Aimee (who won't be in this thread). You girls saved me in more ways then once today. I cannot articulate my feelings in words other than to day - thank you.
Our doTERRA connection is so, so much more than essential oils. (said with tears in eyes). Thank you.
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What is in your perfume?
I used perfume every day without even a second thought to what was in it.
That was until I was introduced to essential oils.
... It didn't take long for me to replace my beloved perfumes - (and boy, I loved them - a lot!!!!!! They weren't cheap either).
It has now been a year since I have sprayed one of my expensive, beloved perfumes.
Now, instead I use doTERRA essential oils.
The oil of choice will change day to day depending on what I am drawn to on that particular day, or what ,my heart and body are telling me I need.
But let me tell you this......
Never in my life, have I had so many comments on how good I smell, and asked "What are you wearing? You smell so good"!
To think I can smell so lovely, and be getting emotional support at the same time - WINNING!!!!!
If you would like to smell amazing too, and not be using chemicals and toxins to create a synthetic fragrance, get in touch. We can smell great together.…/to xic-perfumes-and-co…/
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How simple and easy is this????
I personally would add a little bit of Frankincense to this, to enhance the properties of the other oils and to aid in cell regeneration and skin nourishment.
Say no more, harmful lotions on babies bum. Why would you, when this is what the earth provides us, and at a fraction of the cost?
... Smooth as a babies bum.
Love Rindy xo
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Read below for details or get in touch.
doTERRA's Lifelong Vitality Pack
The do-TERRA® Lifelong Vitality Program makes taking the first step on the path toward a lifetime of vitality and wellness convenient and affordable.
The three core products of the doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Program— Alpha CRS®+, xEO Mega®, and Microplex VMz® —are formulated to provide you with targeted levels of essential nutrients and powerful metabolic factors for optimal health, energy, and longevity.
FACTS: >doTERRA's number 1 selling product >Retail value of $153 >FREE when you enrol with doTERRA in July with a 100pv order and place a 100pv order in August
If this is of interest to you, please get in touch as there are only days left in July, to snag yourself these beauties for FREE.
*These comments have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure illness.
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Hello beauties!
Happy Monday.
Please feel free to join me here, live tomorrow night for our Intro to Essential Oils class.
... Grab your top 10 oils and Mood Management Oils (or what you have of those).
This is typically for newbies, but a little refresher never hurt anyone right?
If you do know anybody that has not jumped onto this path of health and wellness yet, please invite them to join into this online workshop as well. If they are local... I can try and get some samples to them so they can still smell and interact with our beautiful oils too.
Love Rindy xoxo
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What would I do without On Guard??
Take a peek at the wonderful benefits and properties of the On Guard Blend and the Essential Oils it contains.



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