The Temple Of Words

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 18:30 - 20:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About The Temple Of Words

The Temple of Words - A monthly poetry spoken word night in Byron Bay, Australia. A place to see, hear, be seen, be heard and express the selves.



“The feelings provoked by his speech returned to him inflated and amplified, reinforcing his own. The passionate energies he arouses echo back to him and increase his vitality. He is no longer a single individual speaking, he is a group incarnate and personified.” See you tonight for the warm embrace of United voice. Speakers and listeners ~ one for all, all for one ~ the essence of community sharing and communication. 6:30 @the_corner_palm 🤜🏽💕🤛🏽 Background photograph: @filippaedghill


“As artists and human beings - that is, humans that work at being - we are driven by desires and impulses. At times we indulge and dive into the fray and at times we let it whither and waste. Poetry, and all art for that matter, is the documentation of these climbs and dives. It is catharsis and communication - nuance and a little bit of magic called Play.” ~ Some of Olatundji’s poetic philosophy. Olatundji is this Friday night’s co host. Tundji lives and breathes poetry. It is not always about words for him but a way of looking at the world. Come and meet him this Friday @the_corner_palm


Words from this Friday nights co host for The Temple of Words poetry night ! Olatundji Akpo-Sani. Come and join us at The Corner Palm, Byron Bay from 6:30pm. Our inspiration is The Lion For Real by Allen Ginsberg. ❤️
~ Polka Dots ~ To those who can hear me I say do not despair... This torrid ineptitude of political quagmires that the world finds itself goose stepping towards is merely the death throw of power's hungry hungry hippo mentality consuming itself The world Does not need saving We do We are waking to the power of our voice a power of choice to extend a hand a heart If you can help just one soul It’s a start We are not purse strings or puppets We are the lub dub potential of every super nova We are our own shining suns pulsing rays of cosmic light across the infinite spaces that seem to separate you and I So go out and stomp your feet in the early morning sun Dance to welcome the day Scrawl your unique aptitudes on the canvas of reality Jackson Pollack that shit Paint polka dots every where and don't worry about the stares don't succumb to ne'er do wells don't shade your light just because others are afraid of their own You have a gift I mean You are a gift The future swims across the dreamscape of my mind and there you are
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WORD ! Temple of Words co founder at the Gold Coast's annual poetry slam comp ! Shining like a light speaking hard bright truths. <3


Unlike wind Which dies and Never dies I said I must go on Consigned to ... Form that will not Let me loose Except to death Till some Syllables rain Anoints my tongue And makes it sing To strangers If it does not rain Find me wasted by roads Enter angling through My cage And let my ribs Sing me out - Joshua Tree by A.R Ammons
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A Feature Poem from Poetry night:
And out of the sun's gates come little girls in dresses of fire wearing pigtails of braided smoke which stem from their moon cratered scalps. The glowing seeds of a nightly garden that will blossom into full moons ...
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TONIGHT ! From 6:30 at The Corner Palm in the Industrial estate. See you tonight ! Bring your friends, lovers, poets, introverts, extroverts, strangers alike ! It is an open space for exploring the voice and vulnerability, with no requirements to speak but a big exhilarating rush if you wish to !


This Friday !
6:30 - 8:30pm
Looking forward to seeing your faces and hearing your words.


Save the date and get writing !


Beautiful Poem sent in to us by Emma Thurlry.
"I feel the love dripping off my skin, Like the light between my fingers, glowing on to my face ... making me feel in place.' 'I long to feel free, like the birds I see at sea, I know one day i'll feel at ease and be pleased with me'
Share your words with us. If you have any pieces of writing, feel free to send them in to us so we can post them here, our blog space, instagram and one day, on the pages of a collective poetry volume.
#love #connect #share #write #community
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Does music have an effect on your writing ? Tell us the music that takes you on journeys of story. This song alights a mystery of joy and yearning within me and inspires me to write !


"Never underestimate the power in your little fingers, they are the servants to your heart." - Isabella Gillespie. To write is such a profound action between mind, heart and hands. So looking forward to our next poetry night next Friday at The Corner Palm.


The most beautiful and deepest experience a man can have is the sense of the mysterious. . . . To sense that behind anything that can be experienced there is a something that our minds cannot grasp, whose beauty and sublimity reaches us only indirectly. . . . To me it suffices to wonder at these secrets and to attempt humbly to grasp with my mind a mere image of the lofty structure of all there is." Albert Einstein <3 Inspired by Friday night poet Narayana Commerford's share.

More about The Temple Of Words

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 18:30 - 20:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -