Touloulou Créole Shop

About Touloulou Créole Shop

Taste the Caribbean islands flavours. . .

Add sunshine to your dishes with our delicious hot sauces, spice rubs and exotic jams!

Touloulou Créole Shop Description

What is Caribbean cuisine ?

In the West Indies, food plays a central role in our family life and traditions.
People spend days preparing delicious treats for gatherings, holidays, and of course, our yearly Carnival.

Caribbean cuisine is a veritable melting pot of vibrant elements, combining the diverse origins of our people with the plentiful bounty of our islands' lush tropical vegetation.

The indigenous tribes of the region, the Caribs and Arawaks, as well as Europeans, West Africans and Indians have all shaped our unique cuisine and dynamic culture.

Get ready for a Caribbean experience and ambience without the airfare …

More about Touloulou Créole Shop