Truth In Motion

About Truth In Motion

May you gaze upon a star and not think that it is still but know deep in your cells, deep in your psyche that the stars like body’s are ‘truth in motion

Truth In Motion Description

Full Moon Dance
Conscious Dance /Ecstatic dance Workshops

A night of ceremony, movement /dance, jamming and feasting. A community event that attracts people from all warps of life from around the valley and afar who come together to consciously dance on the full moon. We honour and celebrate the full moon and its existence with ceremony, meditation and talking about the astrological aspects of the moon and aligning planets. We have an experienced team of people who put together eclectic music for an evening of fun, peace and love. The dancing is followed by a coming together… a feast, where everyone contributes to a communal meal and whole hearted conversation.

I lead and facilitate conscious dance workshops as part of retreat weekends.
These workshops are designed to facilitate connection with your body and support opening up a deeper part of yourself. The emphasis is on fun and enjoyment and connection with yourself and others. Putting your truth in Motion.

When I dance I pray for peace, through conscious movement I access deeper parts of myself. Through conscious movement I have the opportunity to release the light and dark parts of myself and in this release I access peace within my body, my heart my mind, my soul. The more I access peace within the more I can put peace into action in the world.
Conscious Movement is a very heart centred practice for me, it accesses my deepest truths, it has transformed me into be better version of me, it connects me with the divine and it is fun. The more I dance the more I love…. the more I love the more I connect.

A sweat is a 5Rhythms gathering where you dance your own dance guided by your connection to your body and spirit. It is a movement practice – a dynamic way to both workout and meditate in the same breath. In a Sweat you have the opportunity to surrender to the beat of your own drum while being supported by an exquisite landscape of eclectic soulful music whilst learning 5 distinct Rhythms and how they apply to everyday life.

Body Transformation Bodywork and /or Massage and Elderly Massage

A unique blend of deep tissue and subtle strokes to enable a holistic body re-education to align the body, correct postural imbalances and facilitate the release of muscle tension and stored emotions within the body. I use body-talk along with many intuitive techniques such as kinesiology to communicate with your body and therefore guiding you to release stored emotion /story. Body Transformation is a combination therapy that incorporates some of the best healing modalities such as somantics, cranio-sacral, kinesiology, deep tissue massage and reiki.

When I was 28years old I had went through my Satin return… I lost my fiancé to suicide and was grief stricken… simultaneously all of my childhood issues and trauma came to the surface. During this time I found a wonderful healer… Dyhan…she was trained in Body Transformation Bodywork. She took me through a series of sessions helping me to peel back my layers of grief and in the process uncovered many core issues and belief systems. Thanks to Body Transformation Bodywork I was able to move through these issues smoothly, gently and yet fast. I was so impressed with the work I went on to do my training in this remarkable healing technique and I now offer to others what I received. Its truly worth it.

- Facebook page
- Write a kind truthful statement or letter to someone

I created this page to encourage people make positive statements or gestures about someone that they know. In general we live in a very critical negative society and it is rare for someone to say something nice about you. Here is an opportunity for you to give back to someone that may have done a kind gesture for you or just because you want to acknowledge someone.

I some years ago attended my friend’s 60th Birthday. During the speeches a man brilliantly orchestrated an opportunity for all those that attended to speak from their heart to Peter. The man asked if Peter was dying tomorrow what would you tell him, what would you deeply share with him. The whole room dropped into a very moving positive sharing of what an amazing man Peter is.
Today Peter is a shining brilliant success due to the kindness, honest and beauty shared that night. Kindness to another can move mountains.
Sharing the love for all humanity.