Wellness + Vitality

About Wellness + Vitality

Helping divorced and separated women deal with all the emotions of this new chapter of their lives.
Helping them reclaim their independence with confidence and happiness.
A life coach is the perfect person to help you navigate through this tough time.

Wellness + Vitality Description

At the age of 29 I felt that my life wasn't what it could be. I always felt like I had potential to do something, but I didn't know what. I floated through so many jobs and enrolled in so many courses, convinced, that it was going to be my career and make me successful.

Nothing satisfied me though, and I started to give up. Surely by 29 I was supposed to know what to do. I looked around and saw my friends with babies, others with their own businesses, those with professional corporate careers, and those with great marriages. They all seemed to have the answer to life, and i was left out of the loop.

I was 29, working at my in-laws cafe, and not happy. Every day after work i started going for walks along the beach, it was the only thing keeping me sane. I bought a journal and I would write it in. I wrote as if no one would ever read it, and would never it. I downloaded an audiobook that changed my life - 'Daring Greatly' by Brene Brown.

I realised that I had to stop searching for a 'career', and start living my passion. Through personal struggles and my own life changing experiences I realised what my real passion for life was. I realised that everything that I had been through, and everything that had happened was lessons I had to learn for the truth in my life- being a Health and Life Coach.

Helping you be fearless in your pursuit of a healthy, inspired, and spirited life.
Milena xo