
About Weme

A community communication that inspires and creates leaders by empowering individuals to host events that share their passions locally and globally.

Weme Description

Who We are is the possibility of Co-creating leadership and with strong local connection within any community anywhere in the world.

Our message is a simple one. Transform your life by sharing and living your passions with the communities you are already in!

WE are creating a community message that inspires and creates leaders by empowering people to host events to share their passions. Our ambassadors organise events in their areas to create a buzz about the movement and culture of living full out! Being your self expression! The all events are based around healthy living, fun, sharing, principals of relatedness and team /community building.

Become a "WE’er" a leader /ambassador and join the collective! Create an event in your community around one of your passions, and start connecting with the local community in a Fun, New and Dynamic way! !


1. By using Kickstarter or other crowd funding sites, people can create whatever it is they want by asking communities for finial aid, its easier than you think. Although, you may not need any funding for your event, it depends what your organizing.

2. Post the event on social media. Using Facebook and Meetups.com easily organises the event so people can have an area to check in and see what the event is all about. All social media will help develop "word of mouth” buzz around your event and can easily organise your community by sharing everywhere.

3. Get Local! Is not always easy and thats the fun /challenging part! If your up for the challenge and ready to transform into a leader within your community, don’t be afraid to ask for help! You’ll meet so many people just by sharing what your up to, this journey alone will be worth the investment and dedication.

4. Get information from local council and play by the rules! Even if you know your not breaking any, just let them know. They also could be the difference between 10 people showing up to your event or 100!


By living into your passions, your life transforms, it becomes more rich and rewarding. Giving back and sharing with community some say is an essential part of life. Modern people today are busy, weather its raising kids, or carving a life style within the economies we live. However we must set aside time to for fill our deeper personal purpose. What switches you on? And check in with your own WHY.

By step into leadership roles, leading by example, the youth will have no other option but to learn from true leaders setting examples of what it means to live in community.

WE believe full blown Self Expression and sharing your passion or interests is the path way to living a life you LOVE! And It’s different for everyone how exciting is that!