Westlakes Automobile Club

About Westlakes Automobile Club

Westlakes Automobile Club was first formed in October 1965 when a group of 3 people decided to meet regularly and participate in various motorsport events.

Over the years, the club has grown and is presently the largest sporting car club in the Newcastle

Westlakes Automobile Club Description

Motorsport events that we run.


Motorkhanas are events designed to test the acceleration, braking, and handling of cars and the skill and judgement of drivers. Motorkhanas also provide the driver with fun and enjoyment while learning car control.

Drivers compete one at a time and they must follow a precisely laid out course marked by witches hats or flags. Competitors are given printed maps of the course they must follow.

The events can be conducted on a variety of surfaces such as grass, gravel, or bitumen (we hold ours on dirt).

Speeds are slow and drivers rarely get as high as second gear.

Motorkhanas are considered to be one of the cheapest forms of motorsport since competitors can use their normal everyday road cars, without any sort of modifications, and still be competitive in their own class.

Drivers as young as 12 are able to compete in motorkhanas which are recognised as excellent events to train drivers in precise car control. Skills learnt in motorkhanas carry over to other competitions as well as to driving on public roads.

Younger, inexperienced competitors may carry an experienced passenger to help them with their skills.


Khanacross events are regarded as one of the introductory levels in the spectrum of motor sport. Although speeds in khanacrosses are higher than motorkhanas, khanacrosses are still designed to teach car control.

A khanacross combines the excitement of a rally with the simplicity and inexpense of a motorkhana.

A khanacross pitches a driver's skill against the clock as they negotiate a challenging course through forest areas and dirt tracks, in day and sometimes night events.

An event is made up of a number of tests each up to 1. 5 kilometres long. Competitors compete one at a time and times are recorded.

Drivers are able to compete in their regular road cars, or more prepared vehicles. Khanacrosses tend to inflict more stress on a typical road car so many people prefer to modify their car or build a suitable vehicle for khanacrosses.

Whilst competing in a khanacross event, it is compulsory to wear a helmet and to have an approved fire extinguisher fitted to the vehicle. A roll cage and safety harnesses are not compulsory however they are strongly recommended.

People from 12 years of age can compete in khanacrosses. This is a great way for a young driver (a regular drivers licence is not required) to gain valuable skills in car control that can carry over to other competitions as well as to driving on public roads.

As with motorkhanas, younger and inexperienced competitors may carry an experienced passenger to help them with their skills.


Rallysprints are road event competitions held on closed or private roads of sealed and /or unsealed surface /s usually through areas of forest.

The course may comprise up to two separate lengths of road each being no longer than 8km. Each length of road may be traversed in both directions, a maximum of three (3) times.

Competitors leave the start line at least 1 minute after the car in front. Drivers are allowed to have co-drivers present during each timed run.

Speeds achieved in a rallysprint are high and drivers may get as high as third or fourth gear depending on the track.

Rallysprints are excellent events for drivers and co-drivers to practice their driving and navigation skills at higher speeds. Most competitors use ralllysprints as a stepping stone to rallies.

Competitors as young as 16 are able to compete in these events after having competed in motorkhanas and khanacrosses to demonstrate their driving skills.

More about Westlakes Automobile Club

Westlakes Automobile Club is located at 408 Wilton Rd, Awaba, New South Wales, Australia 2283