Wisdom Institute

About Wisdom Institute

Wisdom Institute

Wisdom Institute Description

Wisdom Institute is a non-for-profit organization that provides a platform for independent and original research to study and analyse social science, philosophy, history, religion and art with fresh perspectives and new methods. The purpose of carrying out such research is to use it in the service of humanity, to understand the ever-changing dynamics of the contemporary world, and contribute to the building of a bright future based on these foundations.

Wisdom Institute was established in 2013 by a group of university students and community leaders with the intention to accommodate for a specific, yet imperative need within the Australian Muslim community. Our aim at Wisdom Institute is to hopefully produce an alternative Muslim scholar prototype. By the term 'alternative', here we refer to a new method called the 'interdisciplinary approach'.

The interdisciplinary approach aims to harmonize both the traditional Islamic sciences with modern academia. A student of knowledge within our framework would need to specialize themselves in disciplines that could be considered as counterparts in both traditions. For example, if a student were to specialize themselves in the science of Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) within the Islamic sciences, they would then need to specialize themselves in its counterpart discipline within modern academia, namely civil or common law. We believe that the interdisciplinary approach will allow Muslims to revive the various facets of their tradition and also contribute to the knowledge base of contemporary civilization.

In relation to the term 'prototype', we refer to the idea that such a method of research will hopefully produce an ideal Muslim scholar that will provide solutions to the social, economic, spiritual, moral and psychological dilemmas of the common man.

The underlying motive for developing such a method stems from the fact that current institutions of Islamic learning in the Muslim world are not equipping students with the skills to deal with the ethical issues of contemporary society. For example, a student who has completed their Islamic education in the Muslim world will obtain the qualifications to teach the Islamic sciences, however, the curriculum will comprise mainly of the Islamic sciences and have minimal inclusion of the social sciences. Therefore, students who graduate from such institutions would have difficulty originating ideas and theories that are inspired by Islamic values as they are not specialized or trained within modern academia. Students who are introduced to the interdisciplinary method at Wisdom Institute will be able to not only become an authority in both traditions, but also become a means of palpable change on a global and universal level.

The concept of knowledge from the very outset of the Islamic tradition has played a key role in arriving at ultimate and universal truths. The education commission at the institute have developed an interdisciplinary curriculum that ensures students who partake in our courses are introduced to the rich intellectual heritage of the Islamic tradition. Some of the course topics delivered at our institute include 'Introduction to the Islamic Paradigm', 'History of Thought', 'World History', 'History of the Islamic Civilization', and 'Introduction to Social Theory'.

Lastly, our vision as the Wisdom Institute team is to work towards establishing an authentic and original culture of knowledge that we can pass down to our future generations. If you would like more information about our institute, please contact us.

www. wisdominstitute.org. au

More about Wisdom Institute

Wisdom Institute is located at Suite 1/3-5 Station Rd., Auburn, New South Wales 2144