About Wolli Creek

Address Details:
Sub Urban: Wolli Creek
City: Sydney
State: New South Wales
Postcode: 2205

Wolli Creek Description

Address Details:
Sub Urban: Wolli Creek
City: Sydney
State: New South Wales
Postcode: 2205



28-Nov-2017. A very twisted station with its platforms on two different levels. At the platforms below (airport line) the lines look really bendy at one of the ends of the platform (see photo).


There are trains regularly and good station to change lines.


A great friendly customer service transit officer. Train station is well designed and will get you in the city quickly 😊


Difficult to transfer between trains at this station, due to the distance that has to be walked between platforms. Platforms lack adequate displays​ to indicate when next relevant service is due.


One of the very few suburb stations with decent toilet facilities as well as lifts. Close proximity to shops so you can have a wander around if your train isn't coming soon.


Modern multi level station that's well maintained. A few too many stairs according to some of my friends.


The service is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! I found my wallet with the support of an incredibly sweet supporting man! He was so helpful, I wish I had asked for his name to mention him exclusively in this review! The trains had track word at Revesby so I had needed to take a bus from Revesby to Wolli Creek and make my way to the city. As i got off my bus from Wolli Creek I planned to take my opal out of my wallet. Though i could not find my wallet. I knew I left it in the bus. I thought it was impossible to get it back.

"Oh, I'm preparing a death lecture from my family for the next 10 years of my life. My wallet had everything important inside!"

I had asked the man working at the bus stop during track work on how I could get my wallet, tracking down my bus number and waiting for the bus to come back. I was so traumatised and thought I might as well die since my life was already practically missing or worse, stolen. I waited for a solid half an hour which many not seem long but I needed to go somewhere asap. I thought once the bus comes I'll try to find the wallet and hopefully everything will be okay. But it turns out that ONE bus that had a wallet in it would be instructed to go to a different location rather than Wolli Creek. It was a sign of bad luck, I was not prepared for the next page to the story. He called mutiple people and found a way to find out if my wallet was there to be picked up and delivered back to me. I went to my event whilst giving him my detais to update me on the crews findings. He was incredibly realible, don't know if I can say that to all the workers there but hopefully they are too! He found my wallet, I came back from my event an hour later back to Wolli Creek and he had my wallet stored safely in his car. Everything was still inside utnouched and in the same position as before! Asbolutely perfect! Cannot thank this man enough!

Thank you so much to the man with the strong Australian accent. So nice, supporting, funny, helpful and innocent. Nothing has never motivated me more to write a review on google! He was a 'bloody' life saver!


It's one of the best station I've known in Sydney. However becareful with some workers whos extracting the new apartments block. My homestay student was nearly being molested as she was being approached by one of the worker. The last thing happened, he was rubbing her shoulder and thigh and she's still underage. She came home crying one day. Beware!!


one of the best stations still has the miracle health benefitting wooden seats


Regular user of this station - nice, clean, no complaints!


Above ground station.
Interchange for the T2 (Airport) and T4 lines.

More about Wolli Creek

Wolli Creek is located at Wolli Creek NSW 2205, Australia
02 9563 7992