Zena Rose

About Zena Rose

Through yoga, massage and coaching, I help people feel relaxed and alive in their bodies, and expand their experience of sexuality and pleasure.

Zena Rose Description

* Offerings *
- Yoga classes
- Lomi Lomi Massage
- Sacred Femininity



“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams” - Oprah Winfrey


“Like a wildflower, you must allow yourself to grow in all the places people never thought you would” - E.V
Such an privilege holding space for the beautiful women who attended “Embodying Sensuality” this weekend. It amazes me how every single time we gather in this way, no matter how anxious/scared/sceptic we are when we walk in, by the end every single woman has melted, the barriers that keep us contained and separate have dissolved, and pure love radiates from every woman in the room. It’s such magic. I love this work so much. Off to brew some more magical offering now...stay tuned ✨🌹✨


When women come together, magic happens ✨ Cannot wait for Embodying Sensuality tonight. My body and soul crave the company of other women. Authentic, vulnerable sharing Moving, breathing, sounding together... Exploring what it feels like to be the embodiment of Shakti. ✨ This incredible artwork is by Josie Doolan @jahpriestesslionheart I have a print at home. My heart sings everytime I look at it ❤️ A few spots left for tonight...link in bio.
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How much pleasure do you allow to flow into your life? Sensuality is the ability to derive pleasure from your senses. If you pay close enough attention, sensuality can be found in every moment... That first sip of tea in the morning Feeling warm sand in between your toes... Inhaling the delicate scent of a flower Soft fabric against your skin Dark chocolate slowly dissolving in your mouth Listening to music that transports you to another realm Swimming naked through cool water Bring awareness to your pleasure and watch how it expands Watch how the pleasure softens the hard edges around your heart One of the keys to deeper pleasure in tantric lovemaking is to think of every wave of pleasure as an orgasm Orgasm then becomes so much more than a few seconds of escape Our sensuality has the power to open us up to a an orgasmic life! If that sounds like something you would like to experience, join me for Embodying Sensuality tomorrow night, 6.30pm in Bondi ✨
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This man rocks my world ✨
We’ve faced many challenges together... a pretty big age gap, falling pregnant very quickly, a disapproving family... to name a few. And yet here we are, stronger than ever. Our culture feeds us so much BS about what long term relationships are supposed to look like.
... For us, 5 years on the sex is hotter than ever, we are kinder to each other, more loving, patient, and have developed a deep sense of trust in each other. Our relationship, « the space between us », has been our single greatest catalyst for self reflection and growth. Our relationship is actually our deepest spiritual practice. Lately I have found myself in a lot of conversations about relationship, and discovered that I have learnt some pretty valuable insights in 5 years of conscious relating. I can only speak from experience, but there are a few major things we have picked up along the way that have been total game changers. So, in the interest of spreading joy and fulfillment in relationship, I have put together my top 5 tips for healthy relating, and deep intimacy.
To read on, head over to: www.zenarose.com.au/blog
Photographer extraordinaire: Yvan Fournier
#consciousrelating #relationship #love #tantra #tantrika #spiritualpractice
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“Embodying Sensuality” An evening for women to come and explore their sensuality in a safe, beautiful space. This Saturday 11th August, at Dharma Shala Yoga School, 6.30-9.30pm This is for women who: - Long to feel more comfortable & confident in their own bodies and in their femininity... - Want to step into the world as fully embodied, sensual beings - Are ready to remove anything blocking the full expression of their sensuality - Need time to nurture themselves - Wish to connect in a meaningful way with other like minded women - Are looking for a gentle, safe introduction to Tantra & Sacred Sexuality
We will be using a variety of gentle Tantric and Taoist practices, exploring breath, dance, conscious touch and meditation. The evening will conclude with some sensual treats to share.
Women of all ages and sexual orientations are welcome. The priority here is to create a SAFE container for all attendees. None of the exercises are compulsory and you are welcome to adjust anything and everything to fit your own comfort level.
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11 years ago.
It’s a funny feeling looking into the eyes of that girl. It’s a funny feeling seeing her beauty, knowing she didn’t feel beautiful, far from it in fact. She actually felt like a fake. ... She felt convinced that without her bleached, straightened hair, and the layer of makeup on her face, nobody would ever want to photograph her. She had no idea of her true beauty, the beauty beyond the skin, the radiance deep within. The radiance waiting for life to crack her open so that it could shine through. She was yet to discover her own fierceness - how fiercely she would follow her dreams and her intuition, how fiercely she would live and most of all, how fiercely she would love. She was yet to discover her own power, yet to step into the full force of her womanhood. If only she knew, what a glorious journey lay ahead ✨
Credit: Andre J
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I used to pride myself in being a very “level headed”, “emotionally stable” person. I didn’t see that actually, I was shutting out a huge chunk of the human experience. Refusing to go where it feels uncomfortable, scary, or where it hurts. Things are very different now. I am open to FEELING IT ALL.... I went through a lot of feeling around in the dark places of my soul, the forgotten corners, the tightly locked closets. Piece by piece, bringing the darkness out into the light, learning to hold myself in those moments where who I thought I was crumbled in front of me. Facing the darkness is part of a life fully lived. And how deep you are willing to go into discomfort is exactly how deep you will open to joy, bliss, and love. I love it. I love feeling. There is bliss in every moment. Morning walks on the beach. Eating amazing food. Massages. Dancing with my sisters. My 3 year old teaching me how to draw a caterpillar. Napping with my kitten purring on my chest. Making love. Meditating on what I feel inside. So whatever comes, my moto is “open, open, open more”. Let it all in, let it change you, trust in who you are meant to become.
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Becoming intimate with a nature spot is such a beautiful meditation on impermanence The ever changing nature of Life Moment by moment, nothing stays the same I walk in this beach most mornings The sand feels different everyday... The waves sound different everyday The colors of the shells are different everyday The thoughts and feelings that run through me are different everyday But this beach always brings me back to a gentler part of me A part that is surrendered to the impermanence of it all Fully trusting in the divine flow Resting in that part feels like home. This morning the beach is covered with golden shells The little girl in me can’t help but collect a few There is only one other soul on the beach She is also collecting golden shells Perhaps also, returning home ✨
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The last few years for me have been all about energy.
Feeling energy, moving energy, releasing energy, keeping energy channels open, merging energy… and to be honest, there is nothing more fun, exhilarating, or empowering, than working with energy.
One of the most effective tools to start to feel energy moving through your body (and beyong your body!) is shaking.
... Shake shake shake… and then be still and feel.
Which is why I absolutely love Osho’s Kundalini Meditation. Shake, dance, sit and rest. It's so simple, and so powerful. Feeling the energy as it awakens and moves through you.
Come along to Dharma Shala tonight and shake it up with us.
Still a few spots left xx
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This is written for mums with daughters, but is great advice for everyone really!


New blog post :)


Do you find it hard to sit still and meditate? Would you like to know what it feels like to move your mind into stillness, and feel the bliss of simply being in your body?
Osho believed that traditional forms of (sitting) meditation were not always adapted to westerners, who generally come to the practice later on in life, cannot sit comfortably on the floor, and have very full and busy lives AND minds. Osho's Kundalini Meditation offers an alternative style of meditation, w...hich involves four stages: shaking, dancing, sitting, and resting.
The first stage allows for a powerful STRESS RELEASE the second connects us to our JOY the third to STILLNESS and the last to total SURRENDER, PEACE & BLISS
If this sounds like a good way of spending a Saturday evening to you, come along on July 14th, 6.30pm @Dharma Shala, North Bondi. No experience necessary.
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"Embodying Sensuality" is an evening for women to come and explore their own sensuality in a safe, beautiful space.
This is for women who: - Long to feel more comfortable & confident in their own bodies and in their femininity - Want to step into the world as fully embodied, sensual beings... - Are ready to remove anything blocking the full expression of their sensuality - Need time to nurture themselves - Wish to connect in a meaningful way with other like minded women - Are looking for a gentle, safe introduction to Tantra & Sacred Sexuality
We will be using a variety of gentle Tantric and Taoist practices, exploring breath, dance, conscious touch and meditation. The evening will conclude with some sensual treats to share.
Women of all ages and sexual orientations are welcome. The priority here is to create a SAFE container for all attendees. None of the exercises are compulsory and you are welcome to adjust anything and everything to fit your own comfort level.
"I experienced Zena's workshop "Embodying Sensuality" yesterday and it was an amazing experience! I must admit I had apprehensions and didn't really know what to expect but I was simply blown away with the experience. The atmosphere created by Zena was so soft, warm, safe and just beautiful. I had to overcome some challenges but it all felt so good and the whole experience has opened my eyes and my heart to some deep feelings. Thank you so much to Zena for facilitating this workshop with such passion and thank you for giving me the opportunity to interact with other women in this way. It had been a long time since I felt so connected." Jane
Please wear comfortable clothes that feel good on your skin. Skirts and dresses are fine as long as you can sit comfortably on the floor. No heavy makeup or padded bras please (no bra even better!)
What to bring: - Water bottle - A sarong or blanket
Your facilitator: Zena has dedicated the last four years of her life to exploring femininity, sensuality and sacred sexuality. As well as an extensive personal practice, she has studied Tantra and Taoism with some of the world's most respected teachers and masters. Through this exploration Zena has been able to heal deeply, drop many layers of social and cultural conditioning, and step into a profoundly embodied and empowered state of being. As well as teaching yoga, Zena is passionate about helping men and women become aware of the deep potential for bliss that is inherent to each human being, and the incredible healing power of pleasure.
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Do you have trouble sitting still for meditation? Do you love to MOVE your body? Do you long to feel more ALIVE and VIBRANT? Then this one is for you!
... Osho’s Kundalini Meditation is powerful (and fun!) tantric practice that effectively melts away energetic blockages, moving the practitioner towards states of bliss and deep joy. It involves four stages: shaking, dancing, sitting and resting, and each stage lasts 15 minutes. Osho's Kundalini Meditation is a wonderful way of releasing stress and moving the body into a delicious state of aliveness, peace and expansion.
The evening will begin with a short qigong warm up, which will loosen the body and effectively start the process of allowing energy to move more freely. After the Kundalini Meditation is complete, we will conclude the evening with some yummy fruit & treats.
What to wear: - loose comfortable clothing that allows unrestricted movement. Expect to sweat!
What to bring: - water bottle - a blanket and a pillow for Savasana - a change of clothes and a small towel if you tend to sweat a lot !
nb: This evening is not suitable for pregnant women.
Your facilitator: Zena Rose Zena has dedicated the last four years to an in depth exploration of femininity, sensuality and sexuality. As well as an extensive personal practice, she has studied Tantra and Taoism under some of the world's most respected teachers and masters. Through her exploration Zena has been able to heal deeply, drop many layers of social and cultural conditioning, and step into a profoundly empowered and embodied state of being. As well as teaching yoga, Zena is passionate about helping men and women tap into the deep potential for Bliss that is inherent to every human being, and use that bliss in the service of healing, power and joy.
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Beautifully said 🌹


Such an honour and a joy to hold space for 14 women last night in the first installment of "Embody Sensuality". It was a beautiful evening of authentic sharing, movement, vulnerability and connection. Can't wait for the next one!


I have received a yummy lomi lomi massage with Zena. I felt my nervous system relaxing. I felt safe, nourished and nurtured by her soft and gentle energy. Zena is present, caring and intuitive. Beautiful experience!


I have received a yummy lomi lomi massage with Zena. I felt my nervous system relaxing. I felt safe, nourished and nurtured by her soft and gentle energy. Zena is present, caring and intuitive. Beautiful experience!


I have received a yummy lomi lomi massage with Zena. I felt my nervous system relaxing. I felt safe, nourished and nurtured by her soft and gentle energy. Zena is present, caring and intuitive. Beautiful experience!

More about Zena Rose
