Empowered Living With Virginie Esprit

About Empowered Living With Virginie Esprit

www. virginieesprit.com
www. mydoterra.com/virginieesprit

Empowered Living With Virginie Esprit Description

Your greatest FREEDOM and DESIRED LIFE lies beyond your FEARS. I am here to help you find those trapped emotions, fears, anxieties and unprocessed life experiences you hold in your body and to release them. So you can move forward with passion and zest for life, feeling empowered.

I am a 7th generation Reiki Master Teacher, active Meditation Teacher and CMR Practitioner (Cellular Memory Release). I offer regular local workshops on natural living and initiate students in the arts of energy healing. I am available for in person and online consultations.



Here is some real inspiration for you all. WATCH IT on netflix 👍


I can attest to that. Through the application of CMR Therapy (Cellular Memory Release) which I have been offering my clients for nearly a decade, changes are made on DNA level. Deep seated traumas, phobias and illness can be released and programmed to optimal health. I am a walking testimony to that and passionate about sharing this tool. A recent DNA screening test I did also confirmed clear and healthy DNA. Why people who follow western medicine are not willing to catch on to such effective healing is beyond me.


Are drugs causing your depression...?


Happening today. Walk-ins welcome 🤗 PM me for address details.


Do what excites you. You might change a few people's lives while you're at it... 😍


Last minute bookings are rolling in... :)
This is not just a general course about card readings. This course focuses on bringing out your soul spark, connecting you with your highest self and angelic guides, deepening your intuition and empowering you to make decisions that are aligned with your soul purpose. <3 The investment in this course, is an investment in yourself! <3


Did you know that the heart has its own brain?


Have you ever wondered how Angel & Oracle Card Readings work and how you can empower yourself and others to make decisions that align with your soul purpose?
Then this 4 week intensive workshop is for you. You will learn how to read for yourself and others, understand the energetics behind it and guide yourself and others through challenging situations.
This workshop can be a stepping stone to becoming a professional reader.
... All curious minds welcome. This class is family friendly. Kids under 12 attend for free.
Strictly limited to 10 readers.
YOU WILL RECEIVE a diary to write down your insights, handouts and simple homework tasks to continue your discovery journey at home.
Bring your own Oracle Cards or work with a deck from Virginie’s extensive collection
Here is a rough syllabus for you, we'll go into much more detail... :)
CLASS 1 - how to pick the right cards for you - how to cleanse and program your set of cards - how to clear your mental space - a word on protection - how to work with and read your cards - starting your self-empowerment journey - adapting a daily routine - READING PRACTISE 1 CARD (daily guidance)
CLASS 2 - opening and activation of your channel - create your own opening ritual - writing your opening prayer - different layouts for different questions - learn about the symbolism - cards in relation to one another - READING PRACTISE 3 CARDS (past, present, future)
CLASS 3 - empowerment vs disempowerment - why your current mood and mental state is important - the different styles of reading - the art of communicating with spirit - why asking questions is imperative to a good reading - READING PRACTISE (layout/spread)
CLASS 4 - READING PRACTISE (full spread/layout)
CLASS 5 (makeup) - all questions answered - topics revisited - READING PRACTISE
This workshop will run for 5 weeks in total including one makeup class.
Your investment: $100 upfront in cash, payable on the day or $25 casual drop in per class
Please reserve your spot by texting or calling Virginie on 0410448345.
I really look forward to reading with you <3
See More


UPDATE: SESSION BOOKED I have an availability for a 60 minutes Reiki session in Wollongong tomorrow at 9.30am. If you'd like to take that spot please get in touch with me. 🌺

More about Empowered Living With Virginie Esprit

Empowered Living With Virginie Esprit is located at Harbour Street, Wollongong, New South Wales 2500