Holistic Healthcare Bathurst

About Holistic Healthcare Bathurst

Providing a unique approach to Healthcare that uncovers what's happening beyond the physical symptom /s to get to the root of the problem

Ready to start your new adventure? . . . Your Initial Consultation is only a text, call or email away.

Holistic Healthcare Bathurst Description

Welcome to Holistic Healthcare Bathurst!

Our Practice is centred on The BodyTalk System and Lifestyle Coaching . . . providing a unique approach to Healthcare that uncovers what is happening beyond the physical symptom /s to get to the root of the problem /s by addressing the Whole Person and their Whole Story.


BodyTalk is Whole Health Care that works with the Body's innate ability to heal itself.

Each system, cell and atom of the Body is in constant communication with each other at all times - with the Body constantly function and healing itself via these communication networks. Through the exposure to stressor of day-to-day life [these stressors can be emotional, physical, environmental or hereditary, and build up over a lifetime] these lines of communication can become compromised or disconnected, which can lead to decline in physical, emotional and /or mental wellbeing.

BodyTalk utilizes a subtle form of neuro-muscular feedback via a yes /no to find the areas - 'the priorities' - in the Body where stress has caused communication to break down.

The BodyTalk System facilitates the re-synchronisation of these communication circuits and re-establishes the Body's energy systems so they can operate as natured intended, thus preventing disease and rapidly accelerating the healing process.

The BodyTalk System offers Personalised and Progressive Healthcare that encompasses and seamlessly integrates -
> Western Anatomy + Physiology
> The Energy Dynamics of Acupuncture
> Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Yogic + Ayurveda Philosophy
> Insights of Modern Physics + Mathematics


A Lifestyle Coach is a trusted, objective, non-judgemental guide who provides a confidential and safe environment in which Clients can explore their challenges and opportunities.

The Lifestyle Coach's only agenda is that of the Client.

The real power of coaching is in the relationship and the process!
The Lifestyle Coaching process supports the Client as they connect with their own inner wisdom concerning the way they'd like to live and the best way to get there!

Give Yourself the GIFT of HEALTH! !

Your Initial Consultation is a Gift Experience . . . . it's only a text, call or email away : )

I look forward to chatting with you soon!

More about Holistic Healthcare Bathurst

Holistic Healthcare Bathurst is located at Loxley House Suite 3 / 46 Keppel Street, Bathurst, New South Wales 2795
0414 907 954